Ideal ways to rekindle your sense of self after break-up

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Photo: Courtesy

When one agrees to be a partner in a relationship, no one ever thinks of breaking up. Fortunately, most of the first relationships we get into, do not last. Therefore, when this occurs we must go through a breakup in order to get to the next relationship. If we have already become accustomed to accepting that some relationships have no future and end up breaking, we never get used to the collateral damage that the break up produces.

We ask ourselves how to protect your self-esteem in the face of a lack of love because, after all, self-esteem is what you need most. Surely you crush yourself when you suffer a break-up. Surely you think there is something in you that does not work, that your bad luck in love should be your fault or the dangerous ‘is that no one loves me’. It is about that moment when your self-esteem sinks when your relationship ends or when you suffer a lack of love.

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Photo: Courtesy

That is why we always insist on the importance of not renouncing your essence by being in a relationship, not giving up yourself or your personality, not giving up your independence, let alone your dreams. Because all these things are what sustain your self-esteem and you need them in full form, both in love and in lovelessness.

You will not be the first who in full heartbreak realizes that he has risked too much and that he almost lost himself on the road. Nothing happens because love mistakes add experience, but try never to happen again. Try not to let go of your self-esteem when you are in full love and it seems impossible that something can go wrong.

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Photo: Courtesy

Do not do it just in case. Do it because you need your self-esteem in top form even in the best moments of your life. That way you will also enjoy them more. And if you recognize yourself in a situation of danger to your self-esteem, hurry to recover your space, your friendships, your family and your dreams. They will make sure you remember how much you’re worth.

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