Things he will say when he wants nothing more than just your body

Some guys will say any and everything to get between your legs. You will get enough compliments to last you a lifetime for sure. And sometimes, sadly, it works like a charm.

Here’s what he will say when he wants some of that birthday cake (and it’s not even my birthday).

1.I’m really good in bed.

I have a fat d*ck. Haha, yes he’ll make sure he informs you on the number of inches his package has, just so you’re sure you know what you’re missing *rolls eyes*. He probably thinks he’s the best thing that happened to women.

things guys say-zumi
2. You’re the hottest girl I’ve met aki.

As much as you may be (come on kujichocha is a must) he’s only thinking about the physical. Well, at least he’s being clear on that.

things guys say-zumi
3. We can watch a movie at mine.

When he had promised to take you out on an actual movie date. No, thanks. We all know that Netflix and chill bull.

things guys say-zumi
4. You’re too good for him babe (referring to your ex).

This one mostly comes up after a breakup. If you had ever happened to talk about your relationship issues with him, know that he’s patiently waiting to slide into your pants and out the friend zone.

things guys say-zumi


5. He will do a gazzillion things for you.

Pick you up, help you run errands, name it. Don’t think that it’s for free huntay! He’s expecting something in return. And don’t you dare feel pity for him and give up your goodies, you didn’t have a gun pointed at his head!

things guys say-zumi
Source: VH1


6. We should break up.

This is if you two haven’t had sex yet. Clearly, it just shows that he’s in the relationship just for the sex, which shouldn’t be the case. Don’t be afraid to lose him, he’s not worth your kitty cat anyway.

things guys say-zumi


7. Let’s get out of here!

This place is dead (out of there and to his place). Oh hell no, not just when you’re fav song came on *scampers to dancefloor)

things guys say-zumi


8. Noooo, we’ll just cuddle. Really now…

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