Your baby fever will immediately go away as soon as you read this

The one thing almost all women crave for is being and looking young for as long as possible. Naturally, this is impossible, because of nature. So women try as much as possible to preserve their outer beauty and body in various ways.

While some women opt for the hard work of going the old fashioned gym way, most women would rather take the short cuts and take lemon tea or green tea and other methods to try and look young. The extreme being altering parts of their body.

It’s not in any way wrong, considering they choose what they can do with their bodies.

Of all the ways women could never think that would make them age faster, would be getting children. We women often love kids and almost always want to have them as soon as we say a baby with all their adorableness. For some women, this dream will remain just a dream after finding out what having kids could do to them, thanks to a team of scientists.

Source: GIPHY

To look at how motherhood impacts a woman at a cellular level, the researchers examined telomeres. Telomeres are essential parts of human cells that affect how our cells age. As people age, their telomeres shorten, therefore telomere length is linked to better health and longer life, experts believe.

The new findings show the telomeres of women with kids are the same length as those 11 years older and childless, Newsweek reports.

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The researchers analyzed data from around 2,000 women ages 20 to 44. They found the shortening of telomeres in moms was greater than smoking or getting fat.

On average, the findings showed women in the study lost about 10 base pairs of DNA a year. But women with kids had 116 base pairs less than those the same age who hadn’t given birth. Pollack added: “We know that having kids is associated with a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes”.

“And some large studies have liked telomere length to mortality risk and risks of other major diseases.” But the findings don’t mean moms are likely to die 11 years earlier than childless women. A study published in 2016 found moms who give birth in their 30s are more likely to live longer.

Source: GIPHY

Researchers in the US found the older a woman was when she had her last child, the longer her telomere length. The new findings were published in the journal Human Reproduction.

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