How to avoid choma poison this Eid Mubarak

Image result for nyama choma poisoning

Our Muslim brothers and sisters are celebrating Idd- Ul- Fitr as the norm they will gather together as a family to eat some will opt for nyama choma.

Most people have been complaining of having food poisoning after eating nyama choma.


Here are some of the tips to avoid Nyama Choma poison.

• Thaw any meat thoroughly before cooking it. This will make sure it cooks all the way through, killing harmful bacteria that could cause food poisoning.

•  Avoid roasting meat over a high flame but over glowing coals with a powdery grey surface. This prevents the food from cooking too quickly on the outside but remaining raw in the middle the perfect breeding ground for food poisoning bugs.


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• Cook all meats until they are piping hot and the juices run clear. If they are still pink, they need to be cooked for longer. Thick cuts of meat are a bad idea as they will take longer to cook.

• Only take out the right quantity of meat that will fit onto the barbecue. If you have too much meat crowded onto your barbecue it will not cook evenly, so you will run the risk of ending up with undercooked or raw patches that are susceptible to bacteria.

• Never put cooked meat back onto a plate that has carried raw meat. This avoids cross-contamination from bugs that could have been on the raw meat being transferred onto the cooked food.

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• Never partially cook food on a barbecue and then finish cooking it later. Half-cooked food is a breeding ground for bacteria. However, you can cook food in a conventional oven and then pop it onto the barbecue to give it that authentic flavor. Do this before it starts to cool down or cool it thoroughly before heating it up again.

• Make sure any re-heated food is piping hot before eating it. High temperatures destroy most bacteria.

• Eat any barbecued food as soon as possible. The longer it is standing around, the higher the risk of contamination.





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