Memory Loss: 3 Ways you can support someone with dementia

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Older persons living with dementia have been mostly excluded from Health plans. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. It can affect people of all ages, but usually, it affects older people.

Dementia is usually not viewed as a disease but more as a normal part of ageing.

We need to rally support for those living with dementia – a condition associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities.

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Dementia is one of the most dramatic health crises facing the world today – it is estimated that a new dementia case develops somewhere in the world every three seconds.

Here are some ways we can support people with dementia:

  1. Initiate conversation

Research from the Alzheimer’s Society shows that people are worried about ‘saying the wrong thing’ to someone with dementia.


The Alzheimer’s Society is encouraging everyone to take action by starting a conversation; whether it’s calling a relative with dementia or visiting a neighbour.

To help start that conversation, they have created a short film of children interviewing people living with dementia. Their questions remind us that while people with dementia still have their struggles, they are still ultimately themselves – all we need to do is ask.

2. Learn how to reduce your risk of dementia

Although getting older is the biggest risk factor for dementia, evidence shows there are things you can do to help reduce your own risk.

These include eating healthily, keeping active and exercising your mind.

3. Donate to Dementia Revolution

Dementia can affect all of us, but with the right level of support, we can make a real difference and reduce the suffering for generations to come.

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