Does a drunk break up call count as an official break up?

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Should the sloppy, ridiculous things people say while they’re drunk or high be taken seriously, or should they just be brushed off as a side effect of a substance?

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That made me wonder: When you break up with someone while you’re fucked up, does it actually count? Should the sloppy, ridiculous things people say while they’re drunk or high be taken seriously, or should they just be brushed off as a side effect of a substance?

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Okay, and the other option? Sometimes, drugs or alcohol give people the courage to say something they’ve been meaning to say for a long time,” she explains. At times, they really do help the truth come out. Both answers to your question are correct, and there’s no way to tell which one describes your own situation until you get some clarity when you’re sober. Whether it counts or not really is a great debate.

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In Bergman’s opinion, breaking up with someone while you’re drunk is just an outward expression of things you’ve been feeling (or that your partner has been feeling about you). If somebody is drunk and says, ‘I don’t want to be in this relationship anymore,’ that’s probably their real feelings minus the filter that drugs or alcohol have stripped away,” they says. It’s a pretty obvious sign that one of you wanted out of the relationship; you just needed some liquid or powdered courage to say it.

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