KUMBE? Interesting Facts about Sperms that every Kenyan Lady should know

things you need to know about sperms

The one common thing everyone knows about a man’s sperm is that it is very useful when it comes to manufacturing babies…..other than other beauty facts we know but are not important in this case *ahem*.

We always talk about women and how we carry children which is a beautiful thing but I don’t think we credit sperms enough. As long as a man’s swimmers are all okay you should definitely know these things about sperms.

1. Sperms are affected by the foods a man eats

What a man eats actually affects his sperms. A study was done whereby men were told to eat fish for a number of days and it showed that their sperms were actually healthier. Another study showed that men who consumed 3 or more cups of coffee per day had reduced sperm concentration and total sperm count, as well as lower sperm quality.On the other hand Vitamin C has been said to improve sperm quality protect sperm from DNA damage; helping to reduce the chance of miscarriage and chromosomal problems.

what you need to know about sperms

2. Progesterone give sperms energy to penetrate the egg

Apparently sperms don’t just swim to the egg because it takes a lot of work and energy to do so. It is deeper than this so it gets its energy from progesterone, which encourages sperm to whip their tails more passionately. This helps a sperm to penetrate the egg. So basically your egg and sperm worked hand in hand to make a baby.

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3. Sperms live in the body up to 5 days 

Under the right conditions,sperms live up in the body for five days. But usually contraceptives can stay there for about 2 days maximum.

things women should know about sperms
4. Men who have a poor lifestyle have a higher chance to be infertile

So basically guys who live in 1824 and space might find it harder to impregnate a girl. Sperm health is reduced, several studies have shown that men who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, consume caffeine and/or are obese have lowered fertility due to a negative impact on sperm health.

things women need to know about sperms

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