How To Survive Work Day When You’ve Not Had Enough Sleep

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Doctors have changed the strategy of dealing with insomniacs. They are no longer showing them how to attract sleep but are now teaching them how to cope with the situation, who knows things may change in favour with insomniacs. If you can’t beat them, win them over.

Coping with little sleep is a valuable skill – once you learn how, you won’t be so worried about getting it – and often your sleep patterns will start to stabilise.

For most people, not getting enough sleep leaves them feeling irritable, miserable and, well, tired. To make matters worse, we hear constantly how sleep deprivation is linked to ­everything from cognitive impairment and mental health issues to weight gain, increased risk of diabetes, dementia and weakened immunity.

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A review of 16 studies found that sleeping for less than six to eight hours a night increases the risk of early death by about 12% – but as with most things, when it comes to insomnia we have created a problem to some extent.

Dr Mann believes people who can’t sleep probably differ from those who sleep easily thanks to one important fact: they worry about sleep more. Her most important lesson for patients is that it is this worry that results in less-good sleep, so reducing worry will improve sleep.

We have bought into the belief we need a good night’s sleep to perform well, even to survive. So, we need to change our attitude so we can discover what can be achieved on little or no sleep. Then, we might be relaxed enough about it all to actually get some.

Here are some tips for getting on when you haven’t had any sleep.

1. Don’t include coffee in your breakfastImage result for no coffee meme

While it’s tempting to go for a shot of caffeine first thing, this is simply “sleep inertia”, which leaves you feeling groggy when you first wake but will lift after a shower and breakfast, leaving you in a rebound state of alertness. Instead, save your morning coffee for between 10-11am to get you going when you start to slump. It can take 20–30 minutes for caffeine to kick in but it should give you an extra boost.

2. Get some natural light

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Natural light will help wake you by getting your circadian rhythms into day mode (particularly important if you have only recently fallen asleep). Avoid sunglasses – even if you are trying to hide dark circles. A 2006 Belgian study showed that sunlight curbs afternoon drowsiness.

3. Be on the move

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If you feel you are flagging, take a brisk walk to wake you up. If you can’t physically leave work, take frequent movement breaks – a walk down the corridor, stretching etc. Make sure you drink plenty of water and suck on sugar-free mints to keep your brain alert.

4. Eat well

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Sleepy people tend to crave sugar and carbs but don’t have too much or you will have a sugar spike followed by a “crash”. Whole grains, protein, fruit and vegetables are your friends.

5. Never act in haste

Lack of sleep can make you more reactive and emotional, so step back and take time to think before responding to messages and requests – especially if you are upset about something.

6. Hardest first

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Do your least-favoured activities first before your concentration begins to wane. When you are running on empty, the morning will be when you are going to be at your most effective. Schedule more engaging tasks for during the post-lunch dip – things that you don’t have to work too hard at concentrating on and will hold your attention.

7. Minty refresh Chew gum

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Researchers in 2012 discovered that chewing gum can reduce sleepiness, probably because it enhances cerebral activity. Mint flavour is the most arousing.

8. Take 10 (or 20)

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Have a downtime session for 10 to 20 minutes mid-afternoon if at all possible. Not a nap as such, but some quiet time when you can close your eyes and let your mind wander. This will help you to recharge your batteries.

9. Evening energiser

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Don’t crash on the sofa as soon as you get home (it’s too late for naps now). If you haven’t managed to take any exercise, try and have a brisk walk or a run outside. Eat a healthy supper, avoid caffeine and if you are going out to socialise try to only drink a small amount of alcohol.

10. Be aware, there’s help out there

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If you are suffering from severe sleep problems and/or work in an industry where sleep deprivation could be critical or dangerous then you may need professional help.

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