GENTLEMEN! Here is how to tell she is immature for a relationship

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Maturity is a state when an individual is in a position to realize what is happening around him/her, to understand the rationale behind those happenings and does not get too elated nor too depressed by final results. Some of today’s relationships are failing due to misunderstandings of the involved parties.

This could be due to minor or reasonable reasons. Your better half could be showing signs she is not ready for a commitment or settling down. A mature woman will employ mutual trust and respect, as well as the ability and desire to communicate about her issues to her partner.

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These signs show she is immature;

1. She is dependent

Dating a woman who will keep on requesting for the provision of her needs, she is completely dependent on you and she may leave when she acquires all that she needed.

2. She holds grudges

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A girl who constantly reminds you of past arguments and mistakes you did is trying to look out for your sympathy and compassion. This is a sign of immaturity. She will always be unable to control her emotions or reactions towards you and she will most times be lashing out on you.

3. She will never accept doing a mistake

If she will not accept doing a mistake and going to an extent of apologizing and making a change, this is a clear sign she is not yet ready for a relationship. She will all the time blame someone else and not her.

Maturity brings with it responsibility. With responsibility comes sensibility. Sensibility leads to confidence.

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