Why Cotton Swabs Are Your Ears’ Worst Enemy

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It is so delicious to use cotton swabs to clean the ears, everyone does this. The sensation is even sweeter after that warm evening shower, you know! Regardless of all this it actually is dangerous to use cotton swabs.

According to experts using cotton swabs does more harm than good, instead of removing the wax, it pushes it in the ear canal and may damage the eardrum. More like stirring than picking the wax out.

In rare cases, the cotton wool on the swab may get detached from the stick and this can be fatal. A 31-year-old man was left battling a deadly brain infection from using cotton buds in his ears.

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He had been experiencing nasty headaches and violent seizures before he eventually collapsed. Brain scans revealed two pus-filled abscesses on the lining of his brain caused by a piece of cotton bud found buried deep in the canal.

It led to a bacterial infection known as necrotising otitis externa, which starts in the ear canal before spreading to the skull, where eats through the bone to the brain. The infection, also known as malignant otitis externa, can also affect facial nerves, causing a stroke-like droop.

It was removed under anesthetic and following eight weeks of intravenous antibiotics, he made a full recovery.

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So to avoid all this drama let’s look at the best practices of cleaning your ears at home.

1.Damp cloth

Use cotton swabs only on the outside of your ear but you should try wiping the area with a warm, damp washcloth.

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2.Earwax softener

Many pharmacies sell over-the-counter eardrops that soften wax. These drops are typically a solution. They may contain:

  • mineral oil
  • baby oil
  • glycerin
  • peroxide
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • saline

Place the specified number of drops into your ear, wait a certain amount of time, and then drain or rinse out your ear. Always follow the instructions on the package.

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You may also choose to irrigate your ears using a syringe. In this process, you’ll gently rinse out the ear canal using water or a saline solution. This method is often more effective if you first use some type of wax softener 15 to 30 minutes before irrigating.

It’s best to warm the solution to your body temperature to avoid dizziness.

When to see a doctor

The symptoms of earwax blockage include:

  • feelings of fullness in the ear
  • reduced or muffled hearing
  • an earache

They may also signal another medical problem, like an infection. Your doctor can look inside of your ears to determine if your symptoms stem from wax buildup or something else.

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The signs of ear infection in adults include:

  • pain in the middle ear
  • fluid drainage
  • impaired hearing

Ear infection symptoms typically develop rapidly. If you notice pain and drainage from your ears, don’t try to treat it on your own. Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis and, if necessary, medication.

If you experience earwax impaction more than once per year or have certain risk factors, tell your doctor. You may want to schedule routine professional cleanings every six to 12 months.

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