Surviving the BlueTick Effect

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Most people will immediately start thinking that they are the guilty ones, but that is not the truth. If you are being ghosted, just know that you are the victim in the whole process.

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So, don’t freak out and don’t think that something is wrong with you. You don’t have anything to do with it. You just had bad luck to bump into someone who didn’t appreciate you and that’s it.

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So, stop sweating the small stuff and move on. Trust me, the less you think about it, the easier it will be for you. If one person doesn’t like you just the way you are, it doesn’t mean that another person will think the same.

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There is someone who will fall head over heels in love with you, with all your craziness, neediness, and your sarcastic sense of humor.

When you find out that you are being ghosted, you should talk about it. You need to express your feelings and let your best friends know what is happening in your life.

If you keep it to yourself, you will just overthink and you won’t figure out why that happened to you in the end. But when you talk it out with someone who is close to you, it will be better.

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