Taka taka singer now on a police wanted list

The Kenya Films Board CEO is now requesting for the public to report the whereabouts of the taka taka song by Alvindo and his producers for failing to honour their 14-day summons.

While talking to his social media page Mr Mutua noted that the board will not be afraid to log those who are trying to put bad content out there as their mandate is to protect the welfare of the children.

We are not interested in protecting deviants against themselves. We are only interested in protecting children from exposure to harmful content & warning adult consumers of content about the suitability status, they can choose to consume the same or not to consume. @InfoKfcb pic.twitter.com/ijMOIkMwDE— Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, MBS (@EzekielMutua) April 27, 2019

In addition he noted saying that the takataka’ song remains banned in all platforms and any DJ playing it anywhere is in breach of the law.

The song ‘Takataka’ remains banned in all platforms and any DJ playing it anywhere is in breach of the law. How is such misogyny an achievement? How does hiding and having to switch off your phone the whole day for fear of arrest a success? @InfoKfcb pic.twitter.com/RXKF7yZ0yi— Dr. Ezekiel Mutua, MBS (@EzekielMutua) April 27, 2019

The taka Taka song was banned by the Film Board after it was declared an appropriate, however the singer Alvindo went ahead and released a video despite the ban.

Various comedians were featured in the video including Eddie Butita , Shaniqwa and DJ shiti.

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