Kenyan High-Skul Memoriz – Pick The Meme That Suits You!

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In my last post, I reminded you of your very fond memories while you were growing up,-specifically your steps through primary school. Today I take you a notch higher…..can we all Odi dance into highschool immediately?

Form one was terrifying. Mostly the first days…when you saw mean looking form threes and old form fours who looked older than their parents.

Do you remember when they called you mono, and told you to do all form of mean tasks that were all together very impossible?

and then you graduated to form two, and everything changed. Your hormones changed, you attitude changed, your time to go home changed! What else changed? Your respect for your parents changed and ultimately your time to go home changed.

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Speaking about change. You were admitted to that National Secondary School with excellent grades, but because you started smoking weed and skiving preps and even school. Your grades changed! Even the simplest of all questions that required naught a total recall of all your mental faculties failed you!

A simple question in chemistry or mathematics turned your head upside -down. You could no longer solve equations and you could not even remember the simplest of all symbols on the periodic table – Iron=Fe! When midterm exams came, your facial expressions contorted as you read every other question on the paper.

Your teacher of course noticed the changed in you! He/she became a very dissapointed instructor and felt that his trade had been reduced tomonkey bizness. As your total output of grades fell lower and lower in class, thus his sense of humour grew more and more. Do you remember that teacher who came to class and roasted ya’ll like this?………

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And since you spent time with the wrong company in school and at home….you came across various stages of drug experimentation in your secondary life. Shisha was you favourite….and of course it changed how you saw the science apparatus in the school lab…..when you came across the diagrams of these apparatus in an exam….you labelled them exactly how you interacted with the shisha bong!….

Then you became addicted to gluten (protein found in wheat). The smell of bread drove your mind bunjinkles…Your favourite time of day became break-time….because that is the time you were all crammed up at the school canteen baying for bread….

Your idea of a good meal was always dictated by the presence of an avocado. The diet was a staple murram/gravel coz you guyz chowed on githeri/succotash day and night….

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Your only hope for reprieve during the three months of stay in school for a term was visiting day/ viizow. Your parents probably had cooked about everything. Meat, Mukimo, chicken, chapoz,….Kwencha! heeeeee!….and they just sat there and watch you hog and hog……

I wont forget how we used to ‘iron’ our shirts….if you know….you many of you ironed your shirts like this two weeks before funky? anyone…huh? anyone?

I don’t know what i had done that day…..but there is one day our dorm-mates played a nasty joke on us……we woke up in the field!

Have I left anything out? Post it the comments section below….If you want me to write a humorous story about anything, suggest it in the comments section below. I am a didactic mind and I can write just about anything! Happy Easter everyone!

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