WINTER IS COMING: Here’s 3 Natural Home Remedies for treating a Cold

flu, cough, ginger tea

The common cold season is here and you wake up with a sore throat. Then come the coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. There’s no denying it, you’re sick. Sadly, there’s no cure for the common cold or the flu. But you can find relief faster with these smart moves.

common cold
1. Hot Ginger Tea

This is one of the best teas to sip when you’re feeling stuffed up and yucky. The tea itself is wonderful for you because you’re getting extra fluids, which your body needs desperately when fighting off an illness, and breathing in the steam vapours can also help loosen up any congestion you may be expecting.

Ginger Tea Zumi
2. Loosen up with heat

A good old fashioned hot water bottle can help loosen phlegm and really deep congestion in the chest. The gentle steady warmth will loosen up your muscles, and soften up the phlegm to help it come up. It’s a very simple, non-invasive home remedy that is very soothing.

common cold
3. Sore throat gargle 

To help clear up a sore throat, gargle with a mixture of sage, apple cider vinegar, and salt. The salt, through that magical force we call osmosis, will draw excess fluid out of the tissues in your throat that has been causing uncomfortable swelling. The apple cider vinegar may help to kill off the bug, but even if it doesn’t, it still seems to help with the pain. Sage is a wonderful herb when it comes to colds. It is astringent, which means it will also help draw excess fluid out of tissues, and anti-bacterial.

common cold

Although usually minor, colds can make you feel miserable. It’s tempting to try the latest remedy, but the best thing you can do is take care of yourself. Rest, drink fluids and keep the air around you moist. Remember to wash your hands frequently.

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