Ladies just propose to the man of your dreams

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Young Kings as we call ourselves in today’s society may have been just reduced to being givers of love, affection, care, attention, but what do we get from our ladies if not the usual sex, arguments, rants, moods and headaches.

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We are people to, we need love, attention and ladies who love us to maybe just maybe get down on one knee and ask for our hands in marriage, funny thing after you do it, it won’t’ kill you.

It has been like an entitlement battle over the sexes. But some ladies do propose to their dudes, and that’s because more and more women are breaking free from the molds we’re expected to be in. Thank god! Now, I’m ambivalent about marriage to say the least, but I will always champion for women’s options.

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From romantic movies to jewelry store ads, it’s clear that we, as a society, are pretty set on the idea that a man has to ask a woman to marry him. But when it comes to relationships, traditional gender roles are becoming blurred, and more and more guys are finding themselves on the receiving end of a proposal.

It’s a beautiful thing! Whatever your partner’s gender is, nothing compares to the rush of having someone love you so much, they ask you to spend your life with them.

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“I looked at it another second and I saw that it was two little penguins, which were a call back to something in our relationship, and written above the penguins she hand-painted into the mu:, ‘Will you marry me?’ I looked up to her in shock and disbelief, like, is this real? I was just blown away and happy with it and overjoyed. It just made me so happy.

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Honestly, the funniest reactions are from the guys because I get so many guys who are much more traditional, alpha-male, masculine, types of guys who I tell and they’re concerned for me. They say things like, ‘How did you feel about that? I haven’t met any other guys who’ve been proposed to by a girl.’” Aaron, 23 narrated.

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“She asked me if I wanted to take a walk down the beach and then turned me around when I started in the wrong direction. As we rounded a tree, I saw my brother posed with his camera and the girls standing there.

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Jamie had talked it over with the girls, and when they were excited about it, she brought the idea to my parents. They picked out a ring and started laying plans. They kept everything quiet, even sneaking things like rose petals into the suitcases. It wasn’t just breaking with societal norms, it was also making it all happen they way it did.

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The tree we stood by was chosen because I had pointed out because of how amazing it was. Afterwards, Jamie proposed, and of course I accepted!” Chris ,43 narrated.

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I can clearly see that we’re ready for more change.

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