Here’s 4 Reasons why You’re moody after “Doing It”

Sad after sex? Sex is meant to be a fun, even joyful experience, but for some people, the whole process can be a lot more conflicting. While we hear a lot about the post-sex glow that you can feel, there’s another post-sex phenomenon that is a lot darker and more difficult. Ever heard of the post-sex blues?

sad after sex

Its a condition that usually manifests as sadness, anxiety, and unease and it can affect you directly after sex or up to two hours afterwards.

However, there’s not one straightforward answer to the cause of this, but there are some potential possibilities.

1. It Can Be A Hormonal Shift

During sex, we have higher levels of dopamine than average and, to combat this, the body releases the hormone prolactin after sex. But Tufts University points out that its the sudden drop in dopamine.

2. Socialization may be the issue

It’s difficult shaking off certain societal views toward sex and they can have a devastating effect. Besides, sex talk is still taboo in most households.

sad after sex
3. Some people find sex triggering

If your sexual history is traumatic, that can affect you even during healthy sexual encounters. It may be because you haven’t come to terms with your own feelings towards sex after the incident.

4. Communication matters too

If the sex and the communication afterwards don’t feel safe or fulfilling, it’s totally understandable that you would feel blue.

sad after sex

There’s no definite cause, but thereare a lot of different factors that can affect how we feel after sex. If you do struggle with this, practice self-care and know that you’re not alone.

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