Ukimkataa , Mwanaume anasonga mbele kama Injili

Image result for 40year old black woman

Ronnie is a beautiful, talented and very successful 40 year old woman.  Eight years ago when she was 32 she met a great guy at work who was a year older than her, but had a great position with the company.

 Since they were both single, they started hanging out, fell in love and moved in together. verything was going great until they had been together two years and he surprised her by proposing to her on her 34th birthday.

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She turned him down. Even though they had discussed they were moving towards marriage, she decided when he proposed that she wasn’t finished shopping. The Grass Just Has To Be Greener. Yes, for a better option, She decided maybe she could find a guy who was more successful, made more money, was more exciting, fun and perfect in every way.

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Ronnie wanted everything and more in a marriage and decided there just had to be someone much much better out there for her to find. When she turned her guy down he was shocked and heartbroken. He immediately moved out and stopped having any contact with her. It was awkward at work so Ronnie left the company and got a job elsewhere.

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Each guy was much worse than the proceeding guy and all of them fell very far short of her very first ex-boyfriend who had proposed. At least that is what she thought because she didn’t give any of the guys a real chance. If they didn’t seem like an easy relationship, she was out in an instant.

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Although it had been a few years since she turned down his marriage proposal, she got up the nerve and contacted her ex-boyfriend. To her shock he had met someone else, gotten married and they were expecting their first child.

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Ronnie was devastated,  not only had she lost out on a great guy, she hasn’t found one even close. Now that she’s 40 the pickings are getting very thin.

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