Things You Need To Drop To Be Happier In Life

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Happiness is more than just a smile or laughter, it has to come from deep inside your soul. Being happy is a state of mind, which means you need to protect your energy and your mindset.

Being happy means you’re at peace with yourself and you know how to put yourself first. You know how to prioritize and you keep removing obstacles and things that don’t make you happy.

In order to effect all this, one needs to avoid to stop some things.

1. Stop giving the wrong people your energy
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More often than not human beings chase people who don’t give them attention and they tend to ignore the people that love them. How about you stop calling people that don’t call you, stop chasing that man that takes you for granted and start giving the right people your energy. Focus on people who love you, even if it’s one person give that person your best then, because he/she deserves it.

2. Stop procrastinating
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Do you constantly have a lot of things to do then suddenly you only achieve one thing only? Well, if you procrastinate you never get things done which then means you’re achieving less in your life. Purpose to achieve one thing a day every day and at the end of the day you will feel fulfilled and better about yourself. Start with the simple things like responding to that email you have been meaning to respond to.

3. Stop wasting money
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Imagine part of being an adult is having a budget and saving money. Stop wasting money on people, trying to show everyone how well you are doing by how much you are using will cost you an arm and a leg. Wasting money makes you broke, when you’re broke you tend to feel unhappy and you wonder where did your money go? It’s not a good feeling, living within your means feels great.

4. Stop ignoring self-care
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This has everything to do with self-love. The minute you stop taking care of yourself because of others that’s the day you will surprise yourself. The general rules apply, be clean, take care of your health, meditate and pray for your spiritual nourishment and dress in clothes that flatter your body and make you happy.

5. Stop gossiping
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Honestly, gossiping means you’re giving energy to people that don’t deserve it. It also takes a lot of time and energy, it also means that you’re focused on other people other than yourself. I bet there are so many things about you that you need to work on before talking about other people.

6. Not having goals
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You need to have goals and not unattainable goals but realistic goals that you can actually commit to. Reduce your goals to weekly goals and commit to doing it consistently every day. This could be working on a project daily or even working out for 30 minutes daily.

We always worry about what people think, how to make other people happy other than ourselves. You need to understand that when you are happy you attract good things in your life, so please learn to be happy.

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