Why Kenyan men should learn to accept ‘NO’ for an answer

Sometimes guys hit on ladies who aren’t interested, and a clear “no” puts them back on the right track.

Other times, they keep on going. Some ladies might actually start feeling increasingly uncomfortable or even unsafe.

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For whatever reason, some men have built themselves up to believe that every time they shoot their shot, women are supposed to respond the way they want them to.

Confidence is great to have, but a sense of reality and rational is even better. It’s 2019, and we’re still struggling with dealing with rejection? 

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On the flipside however, this question comes in mind, ‘Why don’t men try harder if I’ve rejected them once?

We live in a society where guys would sooner back off when a girl says she has a boyfriend, out of respect for another male, than to simply leave a girl alone. And even then, some guys don’t stop.

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In real life, being overly persistent is not romantic. It is called harassment. Sure, sometimes a little persistence is necessary to win someone over, but incessant badgering to the point of making a girl uncomfortable is not going to get you anywhere.

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Imagine that you’re doing your thing, minding your own business, and you see a salesman coming up to you. He wants to sell you a book, but you don’t want that book. He offers again. You refuse again, because you have no interest in the book. Maybe you don’t like the genre or you don’t like the cover or you simply don’t like reading. Again and again, he pushes you to buy this book. It’s very uncomfortable, isn’t it? It’s annoying, right?

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If a girl smiles politely and says, “That’s very kind, but no thank you,” she is not playing hard to get. She does not want you to “get” her. She is simply not interested.

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