How Celebs have transformed the perception of dowry

Dowry abuse does exist, but let's focus on the wider issues of economic abuse and coercive control

Dowry is a symbol of commitment and not the price of the bride.

But in most weddings dowry is always overrated.

You may hear a parent calculating resources he used in educating her daughter to determine dowry price.

You may not be shocked when others demand Ksh.5 Million or more as dowry.

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Celebrities have always expressed their financial might by throwing luxurious weddings accompanied by massive dowry prices.

However, the craze with exorbitant dowry demanded seems to be fading as celebs lately modestly focus on dowry price.

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Below are a few scenarios where rich celebs treated dowry as a normal thing.

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho’s niece Kulthum got married in a star-studded wedding in March where the groom only paid KSh250 and a Quran as dowry.

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The daughter to Joho’s brother, Abu, married her boyfriend of two years, Haikal Onsongo after she and her family accepted the paid price as her dowry.

In the Islam custom, a bride has a say in her bride price and her family is also allowed to contribute to what they expect from the groom, but a close source says that Kulthum did not want to be seen as if she was trying to enrich herself from their relationship.

“Customs and traditions majorly impact on the amount to be paid,” said the presiding Imam.

Harmonize and Sarah

Tanzanian singer Harmonize has also revealed that no talks about dowry have been established pending their wedding with Italian fiancee Sarah.

The two got engagement in Italy in the presence of Sarah’s family and close friends.

Former Machakos Senator Johnson Muthama and his estranged wife Agnes Kavindu in a funny turn of events sent auctioneers to Kavindu’s family to recover his dowry after they parted ways in 1983.

A local publication reported that Muthama demanded a refund of his dowry after Kavindu’s father failed to appeal against a court order that dissolved their marriage.

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