The green apple responds to annoying red one-humor

You might have seen this advert somewhere and you asked if all was well at Mombasa road. The green apple on the left and the red apple on the right.

After a series of physical, emotional, chemical and biological attacks, the green apple has responded. The attacks came by air, water, ground and any other mechanism that can

Image result for funny boxing

The green apple has been receiving a series of coordinated attacks from the red one. Among other allegations the green has been accused of eating data bundles like it is migrating; kukula kama mtu anahama.

Seeing all these attacks, the green apple just decided to ‘blue-tick’ all the haters.

Image result for green vs red

Some people even assumed that they eat ugali and so, they told the green apple to eat storo bonus with ugali.

And this wants to become a celeb lol

It is never dull moment with the green apple.

The worst attacks have been the ones from their competitors, the Mombasa road based red apples. They have been throwing attacks left right and center.

That was not even enough, next came this;

The green apple be like; Hello atttention seekers, we know it is us you refer to but do we care?

And then we have this Kocho Kocho thing. So after the KochoKocho,,,,the gren apple comes to respond.

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Certainly,,We don’t even know who they are. But we suspect they are attention seekers.

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