Ways to Keep a Kenyan Man in a relationship

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They say men are difficult beings to maintain but it’s so simple to keep a man in one relationship if you do the following things.

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They just ask of simple things from their Kenyan girlfriends and spouses.

A Woman stressing over a man

Keeping Kenyan Men in a relationship is not easy especially due to the fact that most of them are known to be philanderers  and polygamous.

Compliment that guy:Kenyan Men like to be complimented. Even when they do something which doesn’t require too much praise, let him feel like he has really achieved. This way, a man will always look forward to achieving something and letting you know and he won’t be leaving anytime soon.

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Share his likes:Most guys share same hobbies, likes and activities. Football, movies, current affairs etc are among the lists of guys’ likes. However, most females if not all, find no fuss in associating themselves with such activities. Watch that soccer game with him ones in a while, play games with him and he will stay.

Show support:When guys are stressed up, they tend to look for a shoulder to lean on. You must take that advantage and show support or else he will go get it somewhere. If you do so, you will rest assured that he will always run to you when things aren’t going on good.

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Give him some space:Do not be all over that guy. Let him hang out with his boys, let him have evenings with his buddies without questioning him. This will show him that you trust him out there and he will be yours. Kenyan Men love their space.

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Go public about him:Kenyan Men feel good when you go about showing them off. No guy wants to be a secret to your friends. Whenever you are out with him, introduce him to your friends and you can compliment a little, it works.

Give Him S** Like Never Before:Kenyan men love hitting it like Serious. Feed the man well in that sector and he will do anything for you. He will fight for you , feed you, spoil you and take you places.

Set goals:A woman who sets goals and achieves them becomes a challenge to a man and, well, men liked to be challenged so he will hold on to such.

Kenyan Men

Here’s a short video on how to have a man stay in a relationship:

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