Is dark armpits giving you discomfort?try yogurt remedy


Are dark underarms the reason you have stopped wearing your favorite sleeveless top or going out for a swim?

There is always a solution to the problems we face in our day-to-day lives. However, before moving on to the various remedies that can help you reduce discoloration of your underarms, let us understand the causes behind the problem.

Very often, dead cells accumulate in the underarm area and cause darkness. These dead cells are a result of non-exposure of the skin in that area.

A lot of us also use skin products that contain chemicals, of which we are unaware of. A common example is deodorants, the content of which tends to react with our skin, causing discoloration.

Bleaching is another reason. Bleach has ammonia that can cause acid burns. Chronic bleaching of the underarms further increases skin pigmentation.


Deodorants contain nitrium in them, which cause a change in the skin, invoking sweat allergies and so on. Darkening is also associated with genetic factors.

Diabetes leads to skin darkening as well.”

There are several natural and easy-to-find home remedies that you could use if you are troubled with dark skin in the underarm area.

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Here’s the full list

Lemon Juice

Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and helps to brighten up the discolored area. All you need to do is to rub lemon juice on the darkened area every day for two-three minutes before taking a bath.

Follow this with moisturizing the area once you are done with bathing, and you’ll start noticing results in 7-10 days.


Potato is also a great natural bleach and an anti-irritant that helps to lighten underarms and provides instant relief from itchiness. You can place a thin slice or apply potato juice on your armpits and keep it for 10-15 minutes.

For effective results, use it twice a day, and say hello to brightened underarms!

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 Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains mild acids that help to remove dead cells and is also a great disinfectant. Start with mixing two tablespoons each of this vinegar with baking soda.

Apply this mixture for about ten minutes or until the time it is dry. Rinse it with cold water, and repeat it thrice a week to see results. Test it on your skin first for any sensitivity.

Olive Oil

Mix a tablespoon each of olive oil with brown sugar, and you have a DIY exfoliator ready! Scrub it for a minute or two, and then leave it for five minutes.

Rinse it off with lukewarm water and this can be applied twice a week for effective results.

Aloe Vera

You can either scoop out the gel from Aloe Vera plant or use organic Aloe Vera gels available in the market. You simply need to apply this gel on your underarms for 15 minutes and rinse it off afterward.

It is a natural exfoliator that removes dead skin and is loaded with anti-bacterial properties that helps to soothe and nourish skin.

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Vitamin E oil

Squeeze oil from vitamin E Oil capsule. Rub a little bit of oil on your underarms and let it sit for few minutes. Rinse with water.


The combination of yogurt and honey helps in removing impurities that cause a dark discoloration of the skin.

Apart from that, it also neutralizes the body odor.

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Take a tablespoon or two of yogurt and apply to the armpits. Gently rub the yogurt all over the dark armpits and wait for few minutes. Then wash it with water and repeat daily.

Tomato juice

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Extract the juice a tomato and apply it under the arms. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off with water. Repeat the process daily until you achieve the results.


Apart from being a rich Indian spice, turmeric is an essential beauty ingredient that enhances our skin in various ways. It contains a chemical known as curcumin, which is an antioxidant and helps lighten the skin tone in the underarm area. 

Turmeric is considered one of the most effective natural remedies for skin lightening.

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