‘Octopizzo proudly announces his love for Mary-Jane and hopes to legalize the union’

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The Kenyan come international act recently revealed he consumes the illegal ‘kush’ because unlike other ‘legal’ substances like alcohol and cigarettes, maryjane comes with no adverse effects.

Speaking in an interview, Octo urged the government to decriminalise bhang because it will not only create job opportunities but also save many lives.

“Our leader has tried a lot, especially in Education, Arts and also the bill he tabled at Parliament seeking to legalise Marijuana, that is very important” He said. ”I advocate for legalising of weed, it does not mean when it is legal people will be smoking aimlessly, you can take it in tea, you can eat it for medicinal values. I don’t smoke, I take it in tea, not in Kenya though. I do it when I am in Amsterdam, Los Angeles,” he added.

These, the father of three said while praising his area MP Ken Okoth’s Bill tabled in parliament seeking to legalise bhang in Kenya. Octo however made it clear that he does not smoke bhang, but consumes it in tea and other consumables.

Image result for octopizzo

The namba nane hitmaker also made it categorically clear that he does not use bhang while in Kenya as it is still illegal, but does it when he flies to places that allow such as Los Angeles.

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