Crazy…How Kenyan Men Handle Rejection.

Kenyan Men are the worst with rejection.They don’t take it too well;But as it turns out, this is not an isolated incident. Cases of spurned-lovers-turned-killers, too, are common across the country. These, however, are extreme scenarios.


Ordinarily, when their advances are rejected, most men respond aggressively.

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Aggressive Man

Insults and Defamation

When they are not insulting or defaming the woman in question, they do anything and everything to hurt her, either physically or her feelings. Tales have, for instance, been told of men who play spoiler for such women, spreading malicious lies about them. Or even harm the men who get lucky with her.

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Tarnishing Women’s Names

In rural areas, some men would tarnish such women’s name, sensationally claiming they practice witchcraft or consult withdoctors or are from a family with night running genes!

Others will claim she is smelly or has bad breath or has the so-called ‘red thigh’, making any man who romantically gets involved with her to die mysteriously.


Being rejected is one of humans’ deepest fears because all yearn to belong somewhere, be it in a family, a social class, job type or certain types of friends, etc. So when rejected, we feel unattractive, unlovable, unqualified or of little or no value. When these feelings crowd our minds, we are likely to go crazy.

Man Rejected.

While warning women to be gracious and tactful when rejecting men, the expert says men not only love winning all the time, they are socialised to be winners.

Being beaten by fellow men is bad for most men. But it’s even worse to lose to a woman; whatever the area, dating or sports.

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