How men should differentiate between a slay queen and a real queen

16 things Slay Queens do that everyone is tired of

Slayqueens have a way of chocking everybody with their beauty and leaving heads turning.

Minutes into a conversation with a slay queen, their true colours always manifest, with them resorting to sheng-laden English, as they punctuate their sentences with countless “Oh my God” words.

Differentiating a real queen from a a slay queen may be difficult but with am few tips i bet you will never miss to know one.

Image result for slay queens

A slay queen must have her make up intact all the time. She has to keep up with all make up and accessories trends.The girl you see in town with flowers on her head, a “band” on her neck is definitely a slay queen.

Take a look too at her eyebrows. Currently, they are slaying on a new trend called wavy eyebrows. Social media trolls say that the queens put flowers on their heads to pay respect to their dead brains. How true that is, we at Crazy Monday don’t know!

With her makeup, a slay queen will look like any local or international celeb or model she admires.

Real queen

A real woman can be challenging, especially if it’s your first time with her. That’s because you’re so used to dating girls that you don’t even know where or how to even begin handling a real woman

Keep in mind that age rarely has to do with a woman being a woman. She could be 20 and be a real woman, or be 30 and be a complete child.

Here is the video to differentiate a real woman from a slay queen:

Slay Queen Vs. Real Queen… @revlucynatasha #NRGWeekend— NRG Radio (@NRGRadioKE) March 17, 2019

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