Why the brains of obese individuals appear 10 yrs older

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Human curiosity and desire for perfection has driven lots of human body research that has led to the existence of many theories with some accepted and others highly debatable.

Among the most sought after information is related to body weight. However as many seek ways to reduce it another research has focused on its relation with brain appearance.

In recent research revelations,its been said the brains of people who are obese or overweight appear to have aged an extra 10 years compared to their lean peers from middle age on wards, brain scanning research has revealed.

Image result for obesity and brain shrinkage research images

The difference, scientists say, corresponds to a greater shrinkage in the volume of white matter. It might be down to genes causing both brain-shrinking and obesity, or it could be that changes occurring in the brain lead to overeating.

White matter is tissue, composed of nerve fibres, that aids communication between different regions of the brain. The volume of white matter in a human brain increases during youth and then decreases with age for both lean people and those who are overweight or obese.

But researchers have discovered that this shrinkage differs depending on a subject’s body’s mass index.

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