Research into Grey Crowned Crane Birds Ongoing

The grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum). The bird is the world’s fastest disappearing crane.

Experts believe that on average, Kenya loses about 800 grey-crowned birds per annum. Given this astronomical rate, scientists believe that the birds are actually facing extinction from the face of the earth.

A number of highly rated scientists met up at Boulevard Hotel, Nairobi, right before they decided to launch a nationwide survey to determine the number of birds in the country.

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“The species is in trouble … Its future is fading fast,” Kenya National Museums research scientist Wanyoike Wamiti said.

The National Museums of Kenya and the Nature, the Biodiversity Conservation Union of Germany and other partners will conduct the survey. Forty volunteers forming at least nine teams drawn from Kenya, Germany, UK, France, Rwanda, and Tanzania are to take part.

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The environmentalists blamed the problem on habitat loss and illegal collection of the birds’ eggs. In 1986, there were 35,000 of the species. The number reduced to 12,500 in 2015. A partial survey last year showed the birds were endangered. There were only less than 10,000.

The grey-crowned crane is one of the 15 living species of the cranes in the world. It is currently listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Kenya Wildlife Service head of research and multilateral agreements Solomon Kyalo said Kenya, as a signatory to treaties and conventions, is required to cooperate with other countries to protect the birds.

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“KWS is obligated to prepare status of wildlife and present the report to the Cabinet secretary before being tabled in the National Assembly,” he shared.

The researchers believe that invasive species like the Mauritius thorn, mimosa, and elephants pose the biggest threat to the bird’s nesting places.

Serah Munguti, head of Nature Kenya’s communications department mentioned that once comprehensive data is compiled, they’ll be able to implement policies to protect the birds.

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