How to lose love handles before valentines

Image result for love handles

Love handles are the pinchable fats that appear on the sides of your stomach just below the ribs. These kind of fats are stubborn and make people go to the extremes of wearing the very uncomfortable corset belts.

Without wasting much time, here are 4 ways to lose love handles fast before valentines

1.Fast 30 minutes sex

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If you can hit the sacks as fast as a rabbit without stopping while maintaining the momemntum for a period of 30 minutes, you will burn about 160 calories. Add nonstop hot lava lava foreplay and you will burn an extra 55 calories my friend!

2. Hitting the dance floor if you cannot afford option number one

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Getting it down at your favourite disco or zumba class in a gym can get you burning between 450 to 600 calories depending on how ‘busy’ you get down with it.

3. Thinking hard- mental burn

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when you concentrate really hard on tasks that require mental focus, you can burn up to 2 calories per minute. It is amazing that the brain uses 20% of the total calories produced by the body. Try indulging your brain in activities that require high neuron activity such as solving math problems, filling out crosswords puzzles and arranging the Rubrics cube.

4. Laughing from the stomach

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If thinking hard is not your thing, then a good hearty laughter will do you good. join your funny friends, watch funny clips and comedians or just walk in into a Churchill show.  A good 15 minute chuckle will have you burn 10 to 40 calories. In addition, Serotonin a feel-good hormone will be released  in your body and will make you feel less hungry, thus reducing your appetite and the urge to eat.

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