Did America have Prior information on the Dusit Attack?

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By now, we know that the Dusit attack was a revenge on the United States and the questionable policies implemented by President Donald Trump.

The al-Shabab extremist group says the deadly attack in Kenya is in response to U.S. President Donald’s Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. A statement aired by the group’s radio arm, Andalus, says the economic interests of the U.S. and Israel will suffer as long as they continue challenging the rights of Palestinians.

But did the United States have prior intel on the impeding attack? Did it warn its citizens to avoid the 14 Riverside Drive on Tuesday evening? There have been a lot of conspiracy theories after the deadly attack on Tuesday that left at least 21 Kenyans injured.

Image result for Dusit Terror Attack

United State ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec on Thursday dispelled speculations on social media that the US government had prior intelligence on the DusitD2 terrorist attacks.

In a statement, the ambassador, whose term expires at the end of this month, also said his government did not advise American citizens to avoid the hotel complex.

“Contrary to the false reports of social media, the United States had no advance notice of the attack nor did we advise our citizens or staff to avoid the DusitD2 prior to the attack,” Godec said.


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