This is why you are always hungry

Do you always feel so ravenous even after eating all the required meals in a day?

Well, it’s normal to feel hungry when your stomach needs a refill but there is definitely a problem if you are ever starving.

1. You are thirsty

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Are you really hungry or just thirsty? Sometimes, all you need is a glass of water and not a burger to feel fuller. It is possible to mistake hunger for thirst at times and you should try quenching your thirst first before jumping for that pack of fries. Also, drinking water in between meals helps you feel fuller thus managing our appetite.

2. You are stressed

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We have all been stressed at some points in our lives and yes, hunger is always striking at such moments. When you are stressed, the body produces more cortisol, a stress hormone which increases your urge to eat.

3. Your diet lacks fiber

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Foods that are high in fiber take more time to digest compared to low-fiber foods. Foods that are high in fiber reduces your appetite and also helps you stay full for longer periods. Examples of foods that are rich in high fiber include; sweet potatoes, oatmeal, oranges and flaxseeds.

4. Vigorous exercise

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If you are one of those people who take part in high intensity workouts or exercise for long periods, it could be the reason you are always starving. According to research, people who do vigorous exercise on a regular basis have a faster metabolism thus burning more calories.

5. You are not sleeping enough

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You might feel like it’s okay to sleep for four or five hours as long as it does not affect your productivity. However, this could affect your hunger levels and you could end up eating more than needed. Sleep plays an important role in controlling your appetite and lack of it leads to higher ghrelin levels. Ghrelin is the appetite-stimulating hormone and makes you feel hungry when it’s released in high levels.

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