Here Are 7 Reasons To Quit Smoking That Actually Make Sense

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health – this fact has been so over-stated it has stopped creating any impact whatsoever on smokers. Nobody really believes they can contract lung cancer till they actually do. Let’s admit it: this particular warning is never taken seriously by anyone.

1. Smoking gives you an awfully bad breath. And chewing mint after you smoke doesn’t really help.

2. You don’t even realize how much money you’re burning by smoking. Even if you smoke 10 cigarettes a day, you’re probably spending more than Rs. 100 every day.

3. Studies suggest that non smokers look a lot younger than smokers of the same age. Smoking shows up on your skin faster than it does on your lungs. It makes your skin look wrinkly, old and saggy.

4. Smoking leads to infertility. It causes erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, sperm motility problems and hormonal issues.

5. You may have just started smoking regularly, but before you know it, the damage is going to show up.

6. Smoking may be a personal choice, but it becomes a problem when others get affected by it too. Passive smoking is equally harmful.

7. Smoking reduces your stamina too, in bed and otherwise. If your hectic corporate life doesn’t suck enough, cigarettes make you unhealthier and weaker every day.

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